

Little Asawra’s Brave Journey with Hemophilia

When Little Asawra was a tiny baby, a bump on her head caused her to bleed for a long time. That’s when the doctors discovered she had something called hemophilia, which makes bleeding tricky. Her family knew about hemophilia because…

The Power of Helping Others: A Path to Fulfillment

When your test database is filled with realistic looking data, you'll be more engaged as a tester. When you demonstrate new features to others, they'll understand them faster. Real data is varied and will contain characters that may not play nice with your code

Fraxinus Americana: A Homeopathic Remedy 

When your test database is filled with realistic looking data, you'll be more engaged as a tester. When you demonstrate new features to others, they'll understand them faster. Real data is varied and will contain characters that may not play nice with your code

Empowering Communities, One Act at a Time

When your test database is filled with realistic looking data, you'll be more engaged as a tester. When you demonstrate new features to others, they'll understand them faster. Real data is varied and will contain characters that may not play nice with your code

COVID and Hepar Sulph

Abstract:  Novel  Corona Virus pandemic effected more than 24,339,123 individuals in world and almost 829,742 people died with this viral infection till the end of August 2020. A number of medical systems are searching for exact medicinal treatment.Homeopathy has been…

What Are You Doing Here

An Experience of Life Time If you’re developing an application, you’ll want to make sure you’re testing it under conditions that closely simulate a production environment. In production, you’ll have an army of users banging away at your app and…

If you Want Some to go and get’s it

An Experience of Life Time If you’re developing an application, you’ll want to make sure you’re testing it under conditions that closely simulate a production environment. In production, you’ll have an army of users banging away at your app and…

From The Winelands to the Mountains

When your test database is filled with realistic looking data, you'll be more engaged as a tester. When you demonstrate new features to others, they'll understand them faster. Real data is varied and will contain characters that may not play nice with your code