Saher Welfare Foundation’s mission is to ensure that no child is left behind in the fight against blood diseases. We are proud to share some of our significant success stories in treating these conditions.At Saher Welfare Foundation, our commitment to battling blood diseases has led to inspiring success stories among our patients. These individuals have faced the daunting challenges of these illnesses with resilience and hope, and through our dedicated efforts, we’ve seen remarkable transformations in their lives. From children overcoming rare blood disorders to adults regaining their health and vitality, our patients’ journeys serve as a testament to the power of medical expertise, compassionate care, and unwavering support. These success stories inspire us to continue our mission of ensuring that no child or adult is left behind in their fight against blood diseases, and we are profoundly grateful to be a part of their healing journeys.

Most Successfully Treated Patients

Afnan Yaseen


Qasim Younis



M. Usman


Huma Harris

M Ahmad




Born in 2008 and diagnosed


at the age of 2 months.

P.R.C.A: Doctor Called and Said “I’m sorry”


is a rare cancer of Red Blood Cells, in which the production of red blood cells inhibited by the time of birth. No one can survive with this fatal disorder as the medical history explains it. Survival is only possible if a blood transfusion is done on  regular basis.

Afnan was facing multiple disorders by birth. Situs Inversus,dextrocardia, pancreatic insufficiency, Johanson– blizzard syndrome, nasal aplasia, and congenital hair cutis. Doctors that were treating Afnan were completely hopeless about his survival. At that time 99% medical community was not aware of  Johanson blizzard syndrome in children hospital, Lahore. They straightforwardly said to take Afnan home, due to his syndromes and miserable health issues, and they declared that he may not survive for a day.


Born in 2008 and diagnosed


at the age of 2 months.

Ready to Enjoy Every Day of Life


also called hemorrhagiparous thrombocytic dystrophy, is a rare autosomal recessive bleeding disorder, in which the size of hemoglobin and platelets increases and their number decreases remarkably.

IQRA AKRAM daughter of MUHAMMAD AKRAM was a patient of this fatal blood disorder. Her wounds had a tendency to bleed freely even after a slight injury bleeds much. Gums and nose bleed most of the time. She was on blood transfusion therapy in a well-known hospital. She has transfused 200 bottles of blood in a year. But still, she was bleeding and was almost at death bed, in miserable condition.
She presented in the free medical camp of SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION in 2011 with gum bleeding. Her gums bleed all the time and when she awake there were clots of blood in her mouth every morning. As the treatment begins her bleeding was stopped at very next day. That was turning point & gave hope to her family that she may be able to be live healthy life. Within two months, her condition was markedly on the way of excellent health.

During her treatment many obstacles were appeared time to time, as her teething process was going on especially of milk teeth, she bleeds a little but medicines controlled her bleeding.

During this the time of menarche was appeared & in 1st 3 months she was suffered from heavy bleeding but after treatment bleeding was markedly reduced & periods were normal. Menstrual bleeding was controlled after 4-5 months & still after 6 years she menstruates normally.


seven years old


His family came to know about SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION in 2008

ITP: It Changed Every Thing


Qasim was diagnosed by IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA, A blood disorder in which bruised form on the body on the slight injury with rash and bleeding often. This disorder in captivated his life. His family was unable to afford his expensive treatment in the hospital. His family was helpless and a pessimist about his life.

His family came to know about SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION in 2008 when QASIM was seven years old.Dr.Ghulam Yaseen (President SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION) started treatment of this hopeless child. With passage of time his condition started to become normal. In first months of treatment his body showed positive results. That was ray of hope for his family. His bruises started to disappear and bleeding on slight injuries also started to stop like normal healthy person’s wound. In first 1 and half year of treatment a number of changes come in the health condition of Qasim. Gradually, all health impairing conditions got well. He fought against his disease for 9 years. He is quite fine now and became a teenager, who is now a healthy and happy citizen of our society.

Like Qasim, a number of children every month, come in free camps of SAHER WELFARE   FOUNDATION, with empty hands and hopeless mind, for last efforts of survival. We consider it our core responsibility to treat every single child as an individual, who is pre-assumed, untreatable


seven years old


He presented to Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in 2004.

He fought well


Usama Rasheed had a blood coagulation disorder. His nose bleeding was worse as he presented to Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in 2004. He was on blood transfusion for 3 months but continues loss of blood was alarming enough to worry. He was suffering defeicincy of certain clotting factors in blood that helps in the clotting of blood after an injury.

As medicicine given by h/dr.Ghulam Yaseen, his bleeding stopped, only after the induction of 3 doses. It was miracle to his hopeless family, who were very worried and tired due to his health condition.

After regular treatment of a few months, he is completely fine and healthy since 2005. He is a brilliant student in his school. His health brought happiness to his family. They regard SAHER WELFARE ORGANIZATION and Dr.Ghulam Yaseen, who treated this disorder.

This is SAHER FOUNDATION, who gives psychological and financial relief to parents of such children by providing free


sixteen years old


As she presented in 2004 to H/Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in Saher welfare Foundation

A Survivor


A blood deficient baby girl Tehreem, whose body was unable to produce hemoglobin, was upon the regular blood transfusions, but still hopeless about healthy life. A continues transfusion was painful enough to make her cry. As she presented in 2004 to H/Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in Saher welfare Foundation, she had 2ml/dl blood in her body.She had to go for blood transfusion every week. H/Dr.Ghulam Yaseen took his case details and started treating her. Medicines that were given to her were to produce healthy blood cells. After regular treatment, her body started to produce blood on its own. Blood production was enough to stop further transfusions.

After 2 years of treatment, she was completely fine. After initials, she never went for blood transfusion. It’s been 14 years; she is a healthy girl in her teens, preparing herself for life challenges. We hope she will be a responsible and healthy citizen of our society.

STAND WITH US, for the comfort of parents and families, who are alone in this fight of pain. We as a Saher Welfare Foundation take it as our mission to help those who cannot help themselves.

As medicicine given by h/dr.Ghulam Yaseen, his bleeding stopped, only after the induction of 3 doses. It was miracle to his hopeless family, who were very worried and tired due to his health condition.

After regular treatment of a few months, he is completely fine and healthy since 2005. He is a brilliant student in his school. His health brought happiness to his family. They regard SAHER WELFARE ORGANIZATION and Dr.Ghulam Yaseen, who treated this disorder.

This is SAHER FOUNDATION, who gives psychological and financial relief to parents of such children by providing free


sixteen years old

Alexander’s disease

As she presented in 2012 to H/Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in Saher welfare Foundation

A Story of Survival

Alexander's disease

Usman was a Hemophilic factor VIII deficient 16 year’s boy when he presented in SAHER FOUNDATION in 2012. His condition was very miserable. He was taking injections of factor VIII 3 to 4 times a week due to severe bleeding. Despite it, his condition was miserable, his joints were swollen, he couldn’t walk and sense of disability was creating constant distress.

His family was in psychological and financial pain. He was living in a village named Rai Pur, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, where the health facilities aren’t enough to manage his condition. Whenever he bleeds, blood has no power to clot. His family rushed to take him in PIMS, Islamabad; 220 km away from his residence. Every journey to Islamabad hospital cost his family more than 12,000 rupees and medicine was very costly too. These expenses weren’t bearable for his family. How could you feel? When you spend a lot of money on your health and you get no permanent relief. His family was hopeless for his survival. As they were acknowledged by the medical community and blood disorder organizations that there is no cure for this disease, only they can manage him for some time, as long as they can.

Dr.Ghulam Yaseen (well known Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan, dealing with blood cancer cases from last 15 years with excellent success), started treatment of Usman in 2012. Within 2 months his bleeding stopped & swellings due to internal bleeding were markedly reduced. That was a miraculous ray of hope for his family that he’ll be fine now. After that, bleeding inside the body also stopped; his painful joints begun to be normal. He started walking and running as normal boys of his age. From 2012 to 2017 he was in continues observation. His symptoms changed from time to time. He was very fond of football. Whenever he fell his bruises formed due to internal bleeding. With treatment, he was completely managed. Now if he falls or gets any injury, his bleeding stops like a normal healthy person and bruises due to injury disappear normally. Till now, he is a healthy person. He moved to abroad for business. He is married now and living a healthy married life. His 3 children are perfectly normal; they don’t have any inherited disorders like their father. This is a miracle, to all those who thought Usman cannot be fine ever.

This is the true face of SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION. A dozen of children has been cured completely. Who was discharged from school due to their impaired health conditions?

After 2 years of treatment, she was completely fine. After initials, she never went for blood transfusion. It’s been 14 years; she is a healthy girl in her teens, preparing herself for life challenges. We hope she will be a responsible and healthy citizen of our society.

STAND WITH US, for the comfort of parents and families, who are alone in this fight of pain. We as a Saher Welfare Foundation take it as our mission to help those who cannot help themselves.

As medicicine given by h/dr.Ghulam Yaseen, his bleeding stopped, only after the induction of 3 doses. It was miracle to his hopeless family, who were very worried and tired due to his health condition.

After regular treatment of a few months, he is completely fine and healthy since 2005. He is a brilliant student in his school. His health brought happiness to his family. They regard SAHER WELFARE ORGANIZATION and Dr.Ghulam Yaseen, who treated this disorder.

This is SAHER FOUNDATION, who gives psychological and financial relief to parents of such children by providing free


NINE years old


As she presented in 2012 to H/Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in Saher welfare Foundation took 4 years of continues treatment.

My Worst and Best Experience


When he born he started bloody vomiting, hurried to admit in the nursery and instant fresh frozen plasma transfused. Soon, the doctors diagnosed he had a Factor V deficiency. Factor V deficiency commonly causes nosebleeds; easy bruising; bleeding under the skin; bleeding of the gums; and prolonged or excessive bleeding following surgery or trauma. It is fatal enough to cause shock and death. All the medical doctors and associations consider it an incurable disorder.

Abdullah was in miserable condition as he brought in SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION’s free medical camp for cancer children, at the age of 8 months, after extensive medical treatment. He was admitted in CHILDREN HOSPITAL LAHORE for a month before his visit to SAHER FOUNDATION. His parents were tired due to immediate visits to the hospitals and expensive treatments. They narrated that he never been well even after treatment and transfusions.  As Dr.Ghulam Yaseen started treatment his bleeding stopped; all his alternative conditions, like diarrhea, fever, and vomiting improved with the passage of time. His weight and height increased remarkably. It took 4 years of continues treatment, but he is much better than before.

This is what; SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION is doing with the hopeless people. Comforting the broken hearts and giving someone hopes is best that anyone can do. We are doing so. Hold hands in the journey of happiness. Donate SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION for saving lives.

His family was in psychological and financial pain. He was living in a village named Rai Pur, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, where the health facilities aren’t enough to manage his condition. Whenever he bleeds, blood has no power to clot. His family rushed to take him in PIMS, Islamabad; 220 km away from his residence. Every journey to Islamabad hospital cost his family more than 12,000 rupees and medicine was very costly too. These expenses weren’t bearable for his family. How could you feel? When you spend a lot of money on your health and you get no permanent relief. His family was hopeless for his survival. As they were acknowledged by the medical community and blood disorder organizations that there is no cure for this disease, only they can manage him for some time, as long as they can.

Dr.Ghulam Yaseen (well known Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan, dealing with blood cancer cases from last 15 years with excellent success), started treatment of Usman in 2012. Within 2 months his bleeding stopped & swellings due to internal bleeding were markedly reduced. That was a miraculous ray of hope for his family that he’ll be fine now. After that, bleeding inside the body also stopped; his painful joints begun to be normal. He started walking and running as normal boys of his age. From 2012 to 2017 he was in continues observation. His symptoms changed from time to time. He was very fond of football. Whenever he fell his bruises formed due to internal bleeding. With treatment, he was completely managed. Now if he falls or gets any injury, his bleeding stops like a normal healthy person and bruises due to injury disappear normally. Till now, he is a healthy person. He moved to abroad for business. He is married now and living a healthy married life. His 3 children are perfectly normal; they don’t have any inherited disorders like their father. This is a miracle, to all those who thought Usman cannot be fine ever.

This is the true face of SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION. A dozen of children has been cured completely. Who was discharged from school due to their impaired health conditions?

After 2 years of treatment, she was completely fine. After initials, she never went for blood transfusion. It’s been 14 years; she is a healthy girl in her teens, preparing herself for life challenges. We hope she will be a responsible and healthy citizen of our society.

STAND WITH US, for the comfort of parents and families, who are alone in this fight of pain. We as a Saher Welfare Foundation take it as our mission to help those who cannot help themselves.

As medicicine given by h/dr.Ghulam Yaseen, his bleeding stopped, only after the induction of 3 doses. It was miracle to his hopeless family, who were very worried and tired due to his health condition.

After regular treatment of a few months, he is completely fine and healthy since 2005. He is a brilliant student in his school. His health brought happiness to his family. They regard SAHER WELFARE ORGANIZATION and Dr.Ghulam Yaseen, who treated this disorder.

This is SAHER FOUNDATION, who gives psychological and financial relief to parents of such children by providing free


FOUR years old


He was 4 years old when he came to visit Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in a free camp of SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION.

Their Life is Another Version of Normal


Both children were having the same disorder. As the baby boy was born, they named him Haris. He was very pale and had an unhealthy look. His constant declining health was disturbing for his family. At the age of 3 months, doctors diagnosed that he is suffering from thalassemia, an inherited blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce hemoglobin and red blood cells. The only treatment is blood transfusion for this disorder, according to health professionals. Harris went for blood transfusion after every 20 days. But, he wasn’t in his health condition even after transfusion. He was 4 years old when he came to visit Dr.Ghulam Yaseen in a free camp of SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION.

His sister is 2 years younger than him. She developed diarrhea, fever and paler skin, after some days of birth. Her brother was already a sufferer of thalassemia. Doctors doubted that she may have the same disorder. After the investigations, they revealed that she has thalassemia too. Her first blood transfusion was done at the age of 2 months. Both the children had to go for transfusions every twenty days.Their weight and height weren’t growing as the normal children of their ages.

Seeing children in bad health condition was very painful for parents. Frequent visits to the hospitals, plenty of expenses and no hope for a complete cure, was heartbreaking. Someone told them about SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION. They came in free camp and gave all the details of their children in May 2013.Dr.Ghulam Yaseen started treatment of these children. Soon after they responded positively. Their general health started to be much better. Frequent infections and other health disrupting issues flew off with time.



Hemoglobin F before treatment

Hemoglobin F during treatment

Normal value









  Harris and Huma are still under observation. Their general health is very well now. They go for transfusion after 1.5 months sometimes. They look, healthy individuals. They are being treated by Dr.Ghulam Yaseen. He is hopeful for their complete recovery. He says they will go for blood transfusion till the age of puberty. After that their bone marrow will start maturation of RBCs on its own(as many of his treated children are living thalassemia free life happily).Then there will be no need for blood transfusion.

A free medication without the consultant’s fee, SAHER WELFARE ORGANIZATION is working to relief all the children and their families to make this world a healthy and happy place to live. Will you stand with us? To achieve this goal? If yes, then donate to SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION.

Abdullah was in miserable condition as he brought in SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION’s free medical camp for cancer children, at the age of 8 months, after extensive medical treatment. He was admitted in CHILDREN HOSPITAL LAHORE for a month before his visit to SAHER FOUNDATION. His parents were tired due to immediate visits to the hospitals and expensive treatments. They narrated that he never been well even after treatment and transfusions.  As Dr.Ghulam Yaseen started treatment his bleeding stopped; all his alternative conditions, like diarrhea, fever, and vomiting improved with the passage of time. His weight and height increased remarkably. It took 4 years of continues treatment, but he is much better than before.

This is what; SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION is doing with the hopeless people. Comforting the broken hearts and giving someone hopes is best that anyone can do. We are doing so. Hold hands in the journey of happiness. Donate SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION for saving lives.

His family was in psychological and financial pain. He was living in a village named Rai Pur, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, where the health facilities aren’t enough to manage his condition. Whenever he bleeds, blood has no power to clot. His family rushed to take him in PIMS, Islamabad; 220 km away from his residence. Every journey to Islamabad hospital cost his family more than 12,000 rupees and medicine was very costly too. These expenses weren’t bearable for his family. How could you feel? When you spend a lot of money on your health and you get no permanent relief. His family was hopeless for his survival. As they were acknowledged by the medical community and blood disorder organizations that there is no cure for this disease, only they can manage him for some time, as long as they can.

Dr.Ghulam Yaseen (well known Homeopathic doctor in Pakistan, dealing with blood cancer cases from last 15 years with excellent success), started treatment of Usman in 2012. Within 2 months his bleeding stopped & swellings due to internal bleeding were markedly reduced. That was a miraculous ray of hope for his family that he’ll be fine now. After that, bleeding inside the body also stopped; his painful joints begun to be normal. He started walking and running as normal boys of his age. From 2012 to 2017 he was in continues observation. His symptoms changed from time to time. He was very fond of football. Whenever he fell his bruises formed due to internal bleeding. With treatment, he was completely managed. Now if he falls or gets any injury, his bleeding stops like a normal healthy person and bruises due to injury disappear normally. Till now, he is a healthy person. He moved to abroad for business. He is married now and living a healthy married life. His 3 children are perfectly normal; they don’t have any inherited disorders like their father. This is a miracle, to all those who thought Usman cannot be fine ever.

This is the true face of SAHER WELFARE FOUNDATION. A dozen of children has been cured completely. Who was discharged from school due to their impaired health conditions?

After 2 years of treatment, she was completely fine. After initials, she never went for blood transfusion. It’s been 14 years; she is a healthy girl in her teens, preparing herself for life challenges. We hope she will be a responsible and healthy citizen of our society.

STAND WITH US, for the comfort of parents and families, who are alone in this fight of pain. We as a Saher Welfare Foundation take it as our mission to help those who cannot help themselves.

As medicine given by Dr.Ghulam Yaseen, his bleeding stopped, only after the induction of 3 doses. It was miracle to his hopeless family, who were very worried and tired due to his health condition.

After regular treatment of a few months, he is completely fine and healthy since 2005. He is a brilliant student in his school. His health brought happiness to his family. They regard SAHER WELFARE ORGANIZATION and Dr.Ghulam Yaseen, who treated this disorder.

This is SAHER FOUNDATION, who gives psychological and financial relief to parents of such children by providing free


TEN years old


Welfare Foundation at 30th of August in 2015.Dr. Ghulam Yaseen took his details and started his treatment



At the time of birth, Ahmad showed sign and symptoms of anemia. After the blood transfusion, his condition becomes better. Soon after doctors diagnosed that Ahmad is suffering from congenital pure red cell aplasia, a blood disorder in which production of red blood cells is ceased by certain factors like genetic mutation. Doctors asked to transfuse blood every 2 months. He showed transfusion reactions every time. Sometimes due to his worse condition doctors had to stop transfusion. He had a number of health distressing issues rather than a low hemoglobin level.

Constant headache, complete loss of appetite, abdominal pain and frequent urination and many other symptoms were very disturbing for him and for his family as well. His father said that every time we took Ahmad for transfusion, we were very anxious about the transfusion reaction. When Ahmad was 10 years old, someone told to Mr.Hussain about Saher Welfare Foundation. They took him in Free Medical Camp of Saher Welfare Foundation at 30th of August in 2015.Dr. Ghulam Yaseen took his details and started his treatment. His condition got well with time. During treatment he showed marvelous changes-his time duration between two blood transfusions increased, general health become better and in the first 2 years of treatment he went for 6 blood transfusions. From April 2018 to April 2019, His condition is completely cured. Almost a year passed, he did not receive a single blood transfusion. He is a 13 years old boy, happy and healthy. His father comes for his medicines, in Saher Welfare Foundation’s free medical camp every month. He is very satisfied and happy about his son’s health. Dr. Ghulam Yaseen is thinking to cut off his medication now because he is quite well, his reports are normal and we hope he will enjoy his life like a healthy individual.

It was a very tough journey for Ahmad and his parents. Saher Welfare Foundation made it possible to make a sick child healthy. That’s what Saher Foundation is doing for seeking of humanity. In the era of advanced disease, and expensive treatments, Saher Foundation is standing in front of sick children and giving them a shield. Please Make your Part, stand with Saher Welfare Foundation, and donate for free treatment of these children, because children cannot fight alone.


EIGHT years old

Glanzmann Thrombasthenia

He came in the free medical camp of Saher Welfare Foundation in 2015 at the age of 8 years.

A Tough Ride

Glanzmann Thrombasthenia

Glanzman Thrombasthenia is an inherited blood disorder in which blood doesn’t clot due to an abnormality of platelets that are important for the clotting of blood. If this disorder left untreated it can be fatal and life-threatening.

Salahuddin was diagnosed with Glanzman thrombasthenia at the age of six months. At that time he had bloody stools, bluish spots on his body and pain in his legs. At the time of circumcision, he bled a lot. Two liters of blood transfused to recover his health condition. After that bleeding from his nose and mouth started, that continued for a month. Frequent blood transfusions made because platelets weren’t available at that time in Karachi. Any trauma or fall made his condition worse. Bleeding from wounds didn’t stop easily. He has to transfuse platelets after every 3-4 months to recover from bad health.

He came in the free medical camp of Saher Welfare Foundation in 2015 at the age of 8 years. He presented with prolonged nose bleeding, gums bleeding, bluish spots on his body and pains in legs. His hemoglobin was 6.7 mg/dl. After the administration of Homeopathic medicine, prescribed by h/dr.Ghulam Yaseen his nose bleeding and bleeding from gums stopped. His general health started to be better with time. He didn’t go for platelets transfusion for 9 months after the administration of homeopathic medicines. His bluish spots subsided. After 3 years of complete treatment, he is fine now. In these years he was transfused platelets 3 times, due to nasal bleeding after a blow. Now his blood stops normally after an injury. Bleeding from gums or nose subsides after some seconds. He is still in observation, because, some of his symptoms often return, like legs pain and appetite issues. Overall, he is in his good health condition. We hope for his complete recovery.

Saher Welfare Foundation doesn’t charge its patients. We believe that treating a sick child can bring happiness in the whole generation. Free of cost treatment 



NINE years old

Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia

She came in the free medical camp of Saher Welfare Foundation in 2012 at the age of 9 years.


Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia

It is a platelet disorder due to the genetic mutation, in which blood doesn’t clot after an injury and appearance of bluish spots on the skin.

Kalsoom was diagnosed with glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia at the age of 1.5 years when she fell and got injured, and his bleeding didn’t stop for 2 days and she had to go for blood transfusion. Bluish spots on the body were an alarming sign. As she grew, her gums started bleeding. She had to transfused FFPs and PLT to stop her bleeding every time, often after a week or every 15 days. Besides these health issues, she had appetite issues. Low appetite with dizziness all the time.

Her family was very worried about her condition. Her treatment was very expensive. Rather than this, her condition was only manageable. There was no proper cure.

She came in the free medical camp of Saher Welfare Foundation in 2012 at the age of 9 years. She had a fever with nausea and vomiting with bleeding from gums.she was restless and very irritable. After complete history taking and examination, h/dr. Ghulam Yaseen gave her medicine for her presenting complaints and asked her to visit again after 1 month.

After one month most of her symptom disappeared. Her bleeding stopped and general lethargy got better. She continuously took medicines for a year. Her health condition was remarkably got better. Bleeding from gums got better than before. With time, she suffered from a number of health conditions, as she came to the age of menarche she experienced heavy menstrual flow. She had to go for FFPs transfusions many times due to excessive bleeding and unprovoked bleeding from gums.All her health issues were well managed with Homeopathic medicines. Now she is living well, without any transfusions and is in her excellent health. She still visits for follow-up. We hope she will be fine in the future and will be living a happy, healthy life.

Saher Welfare Foundation is providing free treatment to every single child who has a blood disorder and is assumed incurable by other medical systems. Give your part to cure pre-assumed incurable children. Help those who are looking for a better cure.

The Saher Welfare Foundation is committed to discover better medications for inherited blood disorders and it is working for the treatment of children having blood cancers and chronic diseases since 2018.